Make a donation.

None of what we do is possible with out yours support. Every animal we save requires not only the dedication of our team of volunteers, but your generous financial support. Why not help us save another animal today by clicking the button below…

Donations can also be make via Bank Transfer to:

Asociación Protección y Educación para animales, IBAN: ES54 0182 7316 7102 0153 7663, BIC/SWIFT: BBVAESMM

Help with only 1€ a month, become a P.E.P.A. Teamer..


If you would like to become or re-new a P.E.P.A. membership, simply select the type of membership and click on the Subscribe button.

Alternatively you can complete an application form and return it to the address on the form.

Applications forms are available at any of our charity shops.

If you have any question please contact our Membership Secretary Lis Knight – Email:

Become a Foster Carer!

We are always looking for additional foster carers to help the numerous animals that need P.E.P.A.s help. If you would like to know more please get in contact today…