P.E.P.A. Shops
The PEPA Shops are key to our fundraising. All have a wide range of stock and sell quality new and second hand goods.
Learn about our shops!
The shop sells good quality clothes, children’s toys, books, household items, bric-a-brac, furniture etc. at budget prices so please pop in and have a look – you will be surprised at the bargains and you will be supporting PEPA!!
We are also looking for volunteers to help in the shop. If you can spare a few hours a week, a month or just for the summer please contact our shops:
For Oliva ring Gill 711 082 327
For LaFont ring Helpdesk 650 304 746 or email: p.e.p.a.animalcharity@gmail.com
If you have any items of furniture you would like to donate please contact: Kathy 618 474 701, via WhatsApp message if possible, or email her on kamiro3022@gmail.com
All donations of good quality items are gratefully received.
P.E.P.A La Font
Av. Constitució , 18, Planta Bajo,
46717, La Font d’En Carros.
Closed: Sunday
(+34) 650 30 47 46 (PEPA Helpdesk - 10am-5pm)
P.E.P.A Oliva
Carrer de Guillem de Castro, 19,
46780, Oliva.
Monday–Saturday 10am-1pm
Monday 5:30pm–8pm
Wednesday 5:30pm–8pm
Closed: Sunday
(+34) 711 082 327 (Gill)
Ontinyent Rastro
Carrer del Tint, 12,
46870, Ontinyent.
Monday, Friday–Sunday
Stall Contact
Frances Downey