Come and join us for the P.E.P.A. fun quiz on Tuesday 21 January, 7pm for 7:30pm, at the Moli Canyar Restaurant, Potries.
The menu costs 12 € per person, and entry to the quiz is 1 € per person. No more than 6 people to a team. Your host for the quiz will be PAUL..
STARTERS: House salad
Cream of vegetable soup
Aubergine stuffed with meat OR vegetables
Bread roll included
Chicken in the oven with potatoes
Vegetable Paella
POSTRE: Tiramisu
Lemon vienetta
OR a coffee instead of dessert (please specify which type)
NOTE: you may have a postre and a coffee, but this will cost extra.
Please email: before Thursday 16 January, no later than 8pm, with your team's menu choices and to book your table.
Any donations to the raffle will be gratefully received!
1.Price of the menu has inceased for 2025 by 1 € to 12 € due to food prices.
2. Reminder...cancellations will be charged @ half price.
3. When ordering coffees please state your preference.