This is to give advance notice of the 2023 P.E.P.A. AGM on Tuesday 14th March. Please see the Agenda below. It will be the first AGM since 2020 that we can attend in person. You are invited to attend from 12.45pm onwards in order to renew your membership - or apply for membership.
It will also give you the opportunity to read through the reports on our activities during 2022.
The meeting will be followed by lunch at 2pm. If you are staying for lunch please telephone Brenda Whyte on 96 283 3104 or email: before Saturday 11th to book your place and advise your menu choice.
AGM Agenda
First Meeting: 13.15 p.m
1. Apologies, Secretary
2. Secretary determines if enough members are present to constitute a quorum
3. Minutes of last Annual General Meeting are read and approved by members
Second Meeting: 13.20 p.m
1. President's report on state of P.E.P.A.
2. Election of President and Board of Directors
3. Bylaws: The Board of Directors propose that there be no change
4. Any other business
Please do come to the AGM. As a member of the charity it is your chance to find out what P.E.P.A. did in 2022, what is planned for 2023 and to voice your opinions and to ask any questions that you may have. Looking forward to our first face to face AGM since 2020!